Elevate Your Financial Services on IBM’s LinuxONE 

Elevate Your Financial Services on IBM’s LinuxONE

In the dynamic landscape of financial services, where reliability, security, and scalability are paramount, Hassem Prag emerges as the definitive solution. Our Financial Services Platform, powered by IBM’s LinuxONE technology, sets the standard for global delivery excellence. Harnessing the formidable capabilities of LinuxONE, IBM’s cutting-edge family of computers, Hassem Prag ensures peak performance, data security, and relentless innovation for your financial services platform.


Here’s why Hassem Prag’s Financial Services Platform on LinuxONE represents a transformative opportunity for the financial services industry:

  • Our LinuxONE certification underscores Hassem Prag’s mastery in deploying, managing, and optimizing Linux workloads on IBM’s mainframe platform.
  • Our expertise encompasses Linux system administration, virtualization, security, performance tuning, high availability, and scalability on IBM’s LinuxONE platform.
  • With a solid foundation in Linux system administration and extensive experience in managing enterprise-level IT infrastructure, our team is primed to address any challenge.


Benefits for Your Organization:

  • The LinuxONE certification serves as a testament to our proficiency, assuring you of expert management for your critical financial systems.
  • Through our collaboration with IBM, partnering with Hassem Prag guarantees access to a wealth of knowledge and experience, driving your financial services organization towards unprecedented success and growth.
  • Customer Confidence: With Hassem Prag leading the charge, you can trust that your financial services platform is overseen by a certified professional, inspiring confidence in your clients regarding system reliability and security.


Why Choose Hassem Prag:

  • Entrusting your financial services platform to Hassem Prag signals to your technical teams and clients that you prioritize quality and reliability, fostering trust and loyalty.
  • Our expertise guarantees that your financial services organization adheres to industry standards and regulatory requirements, safeguarding your reputation and mitigating risk.


Our banking product has been developed on a Java/SpringBoot platform using Postgres as our Data store. For scale we have implemented Kubernetes with Docker containers. Our entire front-end, back end and core were ported to LinuxONE. Technical details and performance testing results are available to discuss.


Our LinuxONE certification with IBM transcends mere qualification—it serves as a catalyst for success in the fiercely competitive realm of financial services. Elevate your platform to unprecedented heights with Hassem Prag’s unparalleled expertise and IBM’s LinuxONE, and unlock the reliability, security, and scalability your organization deserves. Partner with Hassem Prag today and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more prosperous future in financial services.



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